Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Nature's Wrath

Who likes to play Cardfight Vanguard but doesn't have the financial capability to support both games? Me! And I give my thanks to Konami for giving us this archetype that allows us to play YGO while enjoying the trigger mechanism of CFV in the form of excavate. Although the ability of the deck is kind of luck based, it's still one hell of a fun deck and an overpowered one given that all of its excavate go all according to plan. 

Anyway, along with the support with old archetypes, PRIO also released new support for Shinra. During the release of the first set of Shinra cards back in LVAL, Shinra were thought of being lackluster since it's quite hard to get the monster you need out, and the deck is behind in the special summon spamming aspect of the game. But now, with the new support from PRIO, the deck got a bit faster since now they have a monster that can be special summoned from the hand and a new boss card that can bounce the opponent's card back to their hands. Also, they now have their very own version of Graceful Charity, which helps in arranging the top of the deck.

Decklist after the jump

x2 Regia, Hermit Tree of Shinra
x3 Sherman, Wise Tree of Shinra
x2 Narcis, Flower Knight of Shinra
x2 Leaf, Water Flow of Shinra
x2 Lonefire Blossom
x1 Dandylion
x2 Stool, Silhouette Spore of Shinra
x1 Spore
x3 Peas, Peacekeepers of Shinra
x2 Sprout, Divine Bud of Shinra
x2 Copy Plant

x1 Heavy Storm
x1 Dark Hole
x1 Pot of Avarice
x3 Shinra's Charity
x1 Monster Reborn
x2 Super Nutrition Sun
x3 Grass Fertilizer
x3 Sacred Peak of Shinra

x3 Breakthrough Skill

x1 Starform Dragon
x1 Gao, Protector Beast of the Divine Tree
x1 Trishula, Dragon of the Ice Barrier
x1 Jeweled Demon Dragon - Red Daemon
x1 Scrap Dragon
x1 Gigantech Fighter
x1 Flaring Jewel Dragon - Stardust
x1 Black Rose Dragon
x2 Divine Dragon Knight, Felgrand
x2 Oreia, Tranquility God of Shinra
x1 Mecha Phantom Beast Plane, Dragossack
x1 NO. 11 Big Eye
x1 NO. 101 S. H. Ark Knight

It has been 3 months now since I started playing Shinra, and right now, I've been using this build and I've seen it suck and perform some divine play depending on my excavates. Still, I won lots of games with this deck although I crawled some of those games to win them.

Now, in playing Shinra, it involves lots of patience, set up, and thinking. It's just like playing E-Drags, you need to think properly, think of all the possible plays you can do with your hand and graveyard, and how you would set up your top deck for an efficient excavate. And of course, just like E-Drags, you have to keep in check and manage your resources very well, specially your hand. Also, Shinra could have very long plays depending on your resources. 

Another thing is, your play will also be dependent on your opponent's field. Your opponent's field will test your capability to think of the best moves in arranging your top deck, using Sacred Peak of Shinra's effect and Oreia's arranging effect, and how to arrange it properly for the most desire result.

Now, the common thing I observed while I was playing the using this deck is that I always have to bring Divine Dragon Knight Felgrand out immediately to establish a field with a high attacking monster and for protection. Just as I said before, having a Divine Dragon Knight Felgrand is a big pressure to the opponent so it gives a big advantage to whoever brings it out first. Another monster I always summon is the archetype's new boss card, Oreia, Tranquility God of Shinra, which pretty much ends the game with its bounce effect, and also, its bounce effect is non-targeting.

So how do we bring out these high-ranking monsters out on the field? Well, the easiest way to bring those two out is by Lonefire Blossom. You can use Miracle Fertilizer or Peas, Peacekeeper of Shinra's effect to special summon Lonefire from the grave and use its effect to either bring out Regia, Hermit Tree of Shinra or Sherman, Wise Tree of Shinra from the deck depending on the monster you want to xyz summon. Note that Lonefire's effect can be used multiple times per turn. Don't forget that Regia and Sherman has excavation effects once per turn, to fully utilize this effect, it's nice to have a Sacred Peak of Shinra on the field. Use Sacred Peak's effect that lets you put a Shinra monster to the top of your deck by discarding a plant monster to put Peas on the top of your deck, then use Regia or Sherman's effect to excavate Peas that will activate Peas effect and special summon Lonefire from the grave and use its effect again to special another copy of Regia or Sherman from the deck.

Another way to have another monster that have the same level of Regia or Sherman is by using Copy Plant. Copy Plant is a level one plant monster that can be special summoned by the effect of Peas, Peacekeeper of Shinra and Sprout, Divine Bud of Shinra for easy access to it. Also, Copy Plant is a tuner so it also gives some option to do some xyz summons.

A play I did before using only Copy Plant, and Spore and Sherman in the grave resulted into a game changing Divine Dragon Knight Felgrand. First, banish Sherman for Spore's effect and make it a level 8 monster. After that, use Copy Plant's effect to copy Spore's level which is now 8. Now both Spore and Copy Plant are level 8 to special summon Divine Dragon Knight Felgrand.

Note that this deck has little to no protection, and its disruptions come from the excavation alone aside from Heavy Storm and the extra deck monsters. This deck might be difficult to handle and may need some practice, and it's absolutely not recommended to new players due to its complexity. But on the upside, it's a very fun deck and it has great draw and deck thinning capability.

I know up until now I only explained how to summon high-level monsters with Lonefire and Copy Plant, and how to use Peas, Peacekeeper of Shinra's effect to recycle Lonefire, that is due to the fact that the use of the other low-level monsters effect is self-explanatory. Also, Oreia has an OTK with Grass Fertilizer.

And one last advice before heading to the card choice discussion, is to use Lonefire's effect to special summon from the deck before using Sacred Peak of Shinra's effect to put a Shinra on top of your deck , so Sherman or Regia's effect will guarantee a Shinra to be excavated for optimal results.


Narcis, Flower Knight of Shinra?
*I know some of you will try to disagree with me about this card and some of the deck builds I've seen doesn't run this card. I can't blame you for not using this card since it doesn't have much use aside from a normal summonable monster that could excavate 1 card, but, its true ability lies in its second effect to place 1 Shinra card to the top of your deck. When you have a bad hand and you can't bring out a good field, use Sacred Peak of Shinra's effect to put Narcis on top of the deck. Why do that you might ask? Sacred Peak of Shinra has another effect that allows you to excavate during your opponent's end turn, and since you put Narcis on top of your deck during your turn, you will excavate him during your opponent's end turn that will activate Narcis' effect to put Shinra's Charity on top of your deck so you can draw it during your turn. Now, drawing Shinra's Charity could be a possible game changing draw.

Divine Dragon Knight Felgrand?
*You might ask why I'm so hung up on summoning Felgrand, well, it's because the deck has little to no protection, and Felgrand is the best protection right now while having a massive attack.

Breakthrough Skill?
*Best trap of the meta against OOPArtifacts.

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