Thursday, January 16, 2014

Rage of Bahamut Shark

I've been using Bahamut Shark for a while now using some of Shark's cards and I can tell you that Bahamut Shark is a fearsome card to see on the other side of the field. It boasts a 2600 ATK and plus, it can summon a Rank3 water monster beside it which could be Acid Golem, Revise Dragon or that big wall Abysstrite.

If those descriptions doesn't scare you then look at that card. It's a shark that has a bodybuilder's body and it has legs that may allow it to walk on land assuming there are lungs inside those bulky pectorals of his, and don't forget about those 4 wings behind it. It's like a destructive war machine that can survive in land, water and air. If that is the future evolution of sharks, humankind doesn't stand a chance.

Decklist after the jump

x3 Tongyo
x2 Aqua Spirit
x3 Double-Fin Shark
x3 Tinplate Goldfish
x3 Silent Angler
x2 Rescue Rabbit
x2 Maxx C

x2 Instant Fusion
x1 Heavy Storm
x1 Dark Hole
x1 Pot of Avarice
x1 Foolish Burial
x2 Salvage
x2 Mystical Space Typhoon
x2 Forbidden Lance

x2 Bottomless Trap Hole
x2 Mirror Force
x2 Compulsory Evacuation Device
x2 Fiendish Chain
x1 Solemn Judgment
x1 Solemn Warning

x2 Rare Fish
x3 Bahamut Shark
x1 NO. 101 S. H. Ark Knight
x3 F.A. - Black Ray Lancer
x1 Verzbuth, the Exciton-Glimmer Knight
x1 Symphony Devil Maestroke
x1 Abyss Dweller
x3 NO. 17 Revise Dragon

The main strategy of the deck is to bring forth Bahamut Shark on the field as often as you can and use its effect to swarm the field with rank3 monsters and special F.A. - Black Ray Lancer to use as a wall and backrow nuker.

This is possible using the newest fish supports Double-Fin Shark and Silent Angler. Double-Fin Shark fetches a lvl 3 or 4 water fish monster from the graveyard while Silent Angler can be special summoned from the hand when there is a water monster on your field. Both these monsters allow the ease of xyz summoning Bahamut Shark and other rank 4 monsters.

Other cards that may help you in bringing out this colossal shark on your field are Tinplate Goldfish, Aqua Spirit, Rescue Rabbit and Instant Fusion.

Tinplate Goldfish is a no brainer, when it's normal summoned, you can special summon a lvl 4 monster from your hand which gave Tinplate a spot in the popular rank 4 Gadget deck. Aqua Spirit is a lvl 4 water monster that is special summonable from the hand by banishing 1 water monster in your graveyard, she's one of the tech cards of Mermail-Atlantean before to special summon Bahamut Shark. Rescue Rabbit is popular for fetching vanilla monsters from the deck for rank 4 plays so it's your choice if you want to keep it. I used Rescue Rabbit because I have nothing else to put, so again, it's your choice.

When you have Bahamut Shark on your field, think properly. Decide whether you want to attack with Bahamut Shark or summon F.A.-Black Ray Lancer. Remember that once you summon F.A.-Black Ray Lancer, Bahamut Shark cannot attack for the rest of the turn. You might want to summon F.A.-Black Ray Lancer in Main Phase 2 so Bahamut Shark would be able to attack. So judge the environment if you want to summon F.A.-Black Ray Lance during Main phase 1 or 2.

Also, try to conserve your F.A-Black Ray Lancer. Yes the swarm is good but it'll be very difficult once your field got nuked by a Dark Hole or Mirror Force. Indeed you can swarm very fast but once those F.A.-Black Ray Lancers and Bahamut Sharks are in the graveyard, you will have a difficult time coming back. Remember, you can swarm them all you want but they are still restricted to only 3 copies so try to conserve resources.


Why use Tongyo instead of higher ATK monsters?
*I thought about using lvl 4 water vanillas with higher ATK, but Tongyo can be used with Salvage just in case I only have Tongyo and Tinplate Goldfish in the graveyard, thus giving me a comeback play.

Isn't 3 Bahamut Shark too much?
*Yes it is, but it is up to you if you want it at 3 or 2. I just chose to use 3 since I just want to. I've seen multiple times moments that I badly needed that third Bahamut Shark because of my opponent's heavy field removal.

Why Maxx C instead of Effect Veiler?
*Maxx C gives me draw power. I have Fiendish Chain to act as my Effect Veiler. Also, I just prefer it that way but you can interchange them the way you like.

Why is there no Pot of Duality?
*Pot of Duality hinders my special summon and my monsters are weak so I can't really rely on them for defense. I need to get that Bahamut Shark out on the field fast.

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