I love dragons. Ever since I started playing YGO, I used dragons. I remembered that my very first dragon deck was the first structure deck made by Konami and looking for that Armed Dragon Lvl 7 was a pain to find. Dragons were one of the most powerful type of monster cards and some of the archetypes even have dragons as their main boss like Lightlords, Scraps and Photons to name a few. Another thing that made them one of the most powerful is indeed the creation of the Incarnate Dragons which dominated 2 formats.
After the Incarnate Dragons, the latest support they had were the Blue-Eyes support from the 25th structure deck. Back then, I was thinking how to summon Azure-Eyes Silver Dragon quicker because having a level 1 tuner that can be summoned quickly is very difficult as well as getting Blue-Eyes White Dragon out of the field. Although BEWD can be summoned using the Hieroglyphs, getting the lvl 1 tuner fast is the tricky part.
Decklist after the jump

x2 Red-Eyes Black Dragon
x1 Eleciter Dragon
x1 Labradorite Dragon
x1 Red-Eyes Darkness Metal Dragon
x2 Tragoedia
x1 Chaos Soldier - Envoy of the Beginning
x3 Hieroglyph Dragon - Shiyu-Dragon
x3 Hieroglyph Dragon - Tfeni-Dragon
x1 Hieroglyph Dragon - Nephthe-Dragon
x2 Hieroglyph Dragon - Aset-Dragon
x2 Psycho Commander
x2 Krebons
x2 Effect Veiler
x1 Heavy Storm
x2 Hieroglyphic Seal of Gathering
x2 Dragon's Mausoleum
x1 Dark Hole
x1 Pot of Avarice
x1 Monster Reborn
x3 Emergency Teleport
x2 Enemy Controller
x2 Royal Decree
x1 Solemn Judgment
x1 Solemn Warning
x1 Starform Dragon
x1 Gao, Protector Beast of the Divine Tree
x2 Azure-Eyes Silver Dragon
x1 Flaring Jewel Dragon - Stardust
x1 Black Rose Dragon
x1 Mecha Phantom Beast Dragossack
x2 Gaia Dragoon, the Thunderclap Knight
x1 NO. 11 Big Eye
x1 Photon Streak Bouncer
x1 Gauntlet Shooter
x2 Hieroglyph Dragon King - Atums
x1 NO. 61 Volcasaurus
x1 NO. 61 Volcasaurus
And the solution I got was to use a different addition formula to produce a level 9 synchro monster by not using the typical 1+8=9 formula. I went with the 2+7 and 3+6 to produce an Azure-Eyes Silver Dragon.
The next step was to determine what deck is fast enough in placing vanilla monsters on the field and the only answer I was able to find is of course, Hieroglyphs. They've already proven their worth in terms of special summoning high-level monsters quickly, so, I've put 2 each of level 6 and 7 vanilla monsters in the deck to serve as my non-tuners for Azure-Eyes.
Next is to find those lvl 2 and 3 tuners that can be summoned quickly. Based from playing by almost 3 years now, one of the best special summonable tuners are psychics since they can be summoned by using Emergency Teleport and their credibility has already been tested by Karakuris, thus, securing their spots as one of the best tuners of the game.
The deck still has the capability of the standard Hieroglyph deck, but with the tuners added, it gained new tricks such as synchro summoning high-level monsters such as Azure-Eyes Silver Dragon, Gao, Protector Beast of the Divine Tree and Starform Dragon. Another thing added was the capability to make rank 7 monsters such as NO. 11 Big Eye and Mecha Phantom Beast Dragossack, just by the addition of level 7 vanillas. With just these additions, the deck had more options to finish the opponent.
Why did you put 2 Aset instead of Nephthe?
*I was always pondering about that but my answer is it's because I don't want to rely on Tfeni so much to be always there to be tributed so I've made Aset to 2 and reduced Nephthe to 1.
Why pitch in Tragoedia?
*Chances are, I don't always have a monster so I need protection from further attacks.
Why have BLS in the build?
*I have nothing else to put and since I have a decent amount of dark monsters and Hieroglyphs are light, I tech BLS just in case.
If you want a lvl 7 vanilla, isn't there someone else stronger than Red-Eyes Black Dragon?
*Yes, there is someone and it's a light dragon. The first reason why I use Red-Eyes is because it's a dark monster, it increases the dark monster count for BLS. Next is, because the vanillas usually come out with 0 ATK, the stat no longer matters and Red-Eyes' type convinced me to use it instead. Another reason is to give tribute to Red-Eyes.
Why use Pot of Avarice?
*I can easily flood my field with monster and I sometimes want to return my psychic tuners to the deck. Also, there was a time that I ran out of monsters and wished I had a Post of Avarice.
Isn't there too much of vanilla monsters.
*Yes there is. To counter that high number of vanillas is to use Dragon's Mausoleum to dump them to the graveyard and prevent them from being drawn.
Why did you use Labradorite Dragon instead of Luster Dragon?
*Labradorite is a tuner and a dark monster. He can also pave way to synchro summon Starform Dragon.
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